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90.7 KFSR Fresno State Radio
Abdul and Jeremiah
Abigail Janzen and Ernesto Saavedra
Abraham Lincoln Middle School
Ace Dunn
ACLU of Northern CA
Ad Council
Adam Balakian
Adam Lincoln Lane
Adan Avalos
Adrian Crespo
Adrian Harris
Adrian Luevano
Agape Creative Studios
Aidan Gilge
Aileen Imperatrice
Al-Anon Family Groups
Alan Alvarez and Jasmin Martinez
Alejandro Ramirez
Alex Fabros
Alex Soto
Alexander Quezada
Alexandra Harrell
Alexandra Tiscareno
Alexis Babccock
Alice Daniel
Alicia Lopez
Aliyah Benavides
Allen Goyne
Alliance for Community Media
Allison Outhavong
Alton Williams
Alvin Areizaga
Alvin Reyes
Alyssa Carion
Amanda Bell
American Red Cross
Ana Cirilo
Andrea Franco
Andrea Guyton
Andrew Guyton
Andrew Toschi
Angel Hernandez
Angela Xinic- Noah Cabrera- and Amanda Johnson
Angelica Hernandez
Angeline Ruiz Cardenas
Anglia Walpool
Anita Fernandez
Anita Fernandez and Smiley Calderon
Aniyah Atwood
Annabelle and Serena Xiong
Anthony Ruiz
Antonio Ramirez
Antony V. Lopez
Archie Tovar
Arissa Lin- Ciara Walker- Jadah Wren- and Josiah Giles
Armando Valdez
Armani Allen
Arte Americas
Arthur Servin
Aryan Vohra- Karly Sprattling- Lanre Olubeko and Justin Herr
Ashley Dill
Ashley Harper
Audra Murrieta
Auguste Kouadio
Austin Newell
Autism Speaks
Ava Flores and Sianna Rai Macias
Ava Garcia
Azariah Larkin
Barb Marshall
Barbara Davis
Bella Tarazi
Benjamin Boone
Benjamin Cruz
Benjamin Hiett
Bestina Mounenalath
Beth Lederach
Betsy Hays
Big Picture High School
Bill Henshaw
Bill Jordan
Billy Ngo
Bitwise Industries
Blake Wong
Blanca Barajas
Blare Media
Bob Harris
Bob Nelson
Bobby Robarge
Brad Lopez
Bradley Hufft
Brandon Ezequil Hernandez
Brandon Hirsch
Brandon Payan
Brayan Gomez
Bread Face
Breakbox Thought Collective
Brenton Duzi and Jordan Drilling
Brian Kenney Fresno
Brian Robinson
Brianna Madrid
Brianna Mendoza
Bridget Webster
Brielle Murrieta
Brisa Bergfeld- Sydney Hickey- Suzuka Dvorak and Miryam Lopez Ramirez
Bruce Anderson
Bryan Hogue
Buchanan High School
Bullard High School
Byron Diel
C.A.S.A. of Fresno and Madera Counties
Caiis and Chanel
CAIR Central California
Cal Channel
California Air Pollution Control Officers Association
California Council of the Blind Fresno
California Democratic Party
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Public Health
California Governor Gavin Newsom
California Health Collaborative
California Health Sciences University
California Public Utilities Commission
California Secretary of State
California State PTA
California Teaching Fellows Foundation
California Water Commission
Cami Cipolla
Candace Egan
Candice Hill Calderon
Candle & Wine Productions
Cardaniel Green
Carissa Garcia
Carlese Laurent
Carlos Burgos
Carolina De La Torre
Carolina Lee
Carolyn Botta
Carolyn Schlegel Botta
Catacomb Party
Catherine Gonzales
Cecilia Espino
Cecilia Espino Salazar
Celebrate Hmong
Central CA Rugby Foundation
Central California Asthma Collaborative
Central Unified School District
Central Valley Community Foundation
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Central Valley Justice Coalition
Central Valley Urban Institute
Centron Educational Films
Cesar Campos
Cesar Perez
Chad Saechao
Chai Yong
Chaitanya Madiraju
Charlene DeCicco
Charles Moore
Charlie Zaj Vang
Chasitie Neal
Cherelle Johnson
Cheyenne Jenvey
Chickasaw Nation Productions
Chihiro Wimbush
Chimzi Chuku
Chris Austin
Chris Dowdy
Chris Mackey
Chris Samaro
Chris Velazquez
Christina Ho
Christopher Erlenheim
Christopher Goodie
Christopher Velazquez
Cienna Bird
City of Clovis
City of Fresno
Classic Arts Showcase
Clovis Church
Clovis Community College
Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper
Clovis Unified School District
CMAC'n Crew
Cody Allred
Colby Horseman
Community Alliance
Community Food Bank
Comprehensive Addiction Programs
Concentric Media
Connie Fishbaugh
Cordell Taylor
Cormac McConnell
Cornerstone Coffee Co.
Cory Reaux
Cosmo Velez
County of Fresno
Craig Ahrens
Craig Scharton and Paul Swearengin
Craig Seber
Cruz Gonzales
Crystal Gonzalez
Crystal Jackson
CSU Summer Arts
Cultiva La Salud
Cyriche Zarandin
Damian Avelar and Christopher Skinner
Damon Jiminez
Dan Velasquez
Daniel Garescher
Daniel Hernandez- Celeste Hernandez- and Hunter Jenny
Daniela Maciel
Daniela Maciel Navarro
Danielle Gilbert
Danny Minch
Danny Ulloa
Darius Azari
Darren Paltrowitz
Darren Redmond
Dave Penn
David and Julian Aguirre
David Brenner
David Brenner and Jessica Miguel
David Duncan
David Kaplan
David Kennedy
David Matthew Weber
David Rodriguez
David W. Toms
Davie Ramirez
Daylon Norman
Dead Cat Collective
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center
Deb Barto
Debbie Dotson
Debbie Goodman
Delanie Lowe
Democracy Now!
Derek Fujitsubo
Derrick Moss
Derrik Jordan
Derwoyne Redmond Jr
Deshad Cato
Desire Martinez
Desiree Ledezma
Devin Payne
Devrick Hill
Diane Flowers
Diedre Curry
Diego Alejandro Villasenor
Diego Centeno
Diego Redd
Dina Zamora
Diniz Borges
Doc TV33
Domenick Satterberg
Dominic St.Clair
Dominique Zamora
Don and Roshell Franklin
Don Priest
Don Thompson
Donald Munro
Dorothy Fadiman
Doug Betts
Doug Hoagland
Douglas Bloomer
Douglas Campbell
Downtown Fresno Partnership
Doyle Prtchard III
Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Dr. Michelle
Drew Eash
Duncan Hoge
Duncan Polytechnical High School
Dustin Costa
Dustin Piontek
Dylan Betterton
Dylan Villanueva Hardcastle
Dylon Betterton
Ed Chetan Edwin
Ed Mertens
Eddie Block
Eddie Garcia
Eddie Saucedo
Edilberto Reyes
Edna Collins
Education and Leadership Foundation
Edward Cabrera
Edward Garcia
Edward Goto
El Diamante High School
Elena Harvey Collins
Eli Ruiz
Eliana Oropeza
Elias Abalos
Elijah Garza
Elijah Hernandez
Elijah Roberts
Elisa Galindo
Elliott Gong
Eloy Campos
Emily Brandt
Enrique Meza
Eric Catlapp
Eric G.
Eric Galan
Eric Rose
Erica Tom
Erik McLaren
Erik Perez
Erista Battle
Ernesto Cruz Pulido
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Eunice Choi
Evan Christensen
Every Neighborhood Partnership
Eyzec Parada
Ezekiel Nolan
Fabian Ornelas
Faith in the Valley
Faith John
Family Community Church
Faraday Williams
Farber High School
Fateh Brar
Fernando Ortega
Film and Show
First 5 California
Five by Five Nine
Floyd Sanchez
Food Commons Fresno
Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture
Franco Lozada- Ben Myers- and Caleb Velasco
Frank Fairchild
Frank Lopez and Gustavo Gasca Gomez
Frankie Guevara
Fred Martinez
Freddie Anderson
Free Speech TV
Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation
Fresno Art Museum
Fresno Arts Council
Fresno Building Healthy Communities
Fresno Chamber of Commerce
Fresno City College
Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership
Fresno Council of Governments
Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health
Fresno County Department of Public Health
Fresno County Historical Society
Fresno County Public Library
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Fresno EDC
Fresno EOC
Fresno Famoso
Fresno FAX
Fresno Filmworks
Fresno Fire Department
Fresno Grizzlies
Fresno High School
Fresno Historical Society
Fresno Housing
Fresno Housing Authority
Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries
Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce
Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District
Fresno Pacific University
Fresno Rainbow Pride
Fresno State
Fresno State ASI
Fresno State Athletics
Fresno State Craig School Of Business
Fresno State Cross-Cultural and Gender Center
Fresno State eSports
Fresno State Lyles Center
Fresno State Magazine
Fresno State Marching Band
Fresno State MFA
Fresno State Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute
Fresno Teachers Association
Fresno Unified School District
Fresno/Clovis Convention and Visitors Bureau
G. Johnson
Gabby and Danielle
Gabby Rivas and Johnsen Del Rosario
Gabriel Olmes
Garry Kennedy
Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson and Eric Catlapp
Gavin Flores
Genesis Joya
George Gonzales
George Miller
George Smith
George Vogel
George Walton
Gera Quintero
Glenn Philip Martinez Aquino
GO Public Schools Fresno
Golden Valley Unified School District
Grace Persons
Grayden McIntyre
Guneet Grewal
GV Wire
Habitat for Humanity
Haley White
Hannah Esqueda
Hannah Hergenrader- Maisson Fayad- and Macie Cardenas
Hans Steele
Harry Fletcher
Hashim Hassan
Heal One World
Hearts on Fire Rock 'n Roll
Heatha Marie
Helga Medd
Hersie Stovall
Hilary Haron
HIP California
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Hoover High School
Humberto Enriquez
Ian Cordova
INFO Media Distribution
Inspiration Transportation
Iranian Culture and Art Club
Isa D'Arleans
Isabella O’Neal
Isabella Riley
Isadora Varejão
Isaias Rodriguez
Ishan Singh
Ivan Argueta
Jackie Meador
Jackie Schuster
Jacob Van
Jacqueline Alvarez
Jada Charfauros and Bailey Hodges
Jaime Rangel
Jake Medina
James Duisenberg & Romney Dunbar
James Ramirez
James Whitfield
Jamie Ouverson
Jamila Harris
Jamila Lui
Jamillah Finley
Jasmin and Alissa Ramos
Jasmine Arredondo
Jason Duong
Jason Farris
Jay Entendre
Jay Scantling
Jayden Udall- Ethan Smith and Marcus Jauregui
Jaylan Neal
Jeff Stamps
Jeff Winslow
Jeffrey Cook
Jemie Quemquem
Jennifer Garcia-Villa
Jennifer Robin
Jenny Toste
Jeremy Miller
Jeremy Smith
Jermaine Henry
Jerry Arabian
Jerry Hall
Jerry Kelly
Jerry Moreno
Jes Therkelsen
Jesus Martinez
Jillian Leslie
Jim Bush
Jim Weaver
Jo Hilton
Jodi Ferguson
Jodi Parkinson and Juliana Gomez
Joe Ozier
Joel Hooper
John Ayala
John Freeman
John Gamez
John Hernandez
John Ochinero
John Perez
John Trotter
John Wilson
Johnny Hernandez
Johnny Pecina
Johnny Soto
JoJo Romelo
Jon Milano
Jon Shabaglian
Jonathan Jackson
Jorge Ramirez
Jose Munoz
Jose Romo- Jr.
Joseph Cater
Joseph Greenwood
Joseph Macharia
Josephine Robles
Josh Figgs
Josh Harding
Josh Madfis
Josh Tehee and Mike Seay
Joshua Isaiah Ashburn
Joshua J. Cordero
Joshua Rodriguez
Joshua Toscano
Josiah Carrizosa
Josiah Laurel
Josiah Thiesen
Josue Gomez
Juan Carrillo
Juan D. Herrera and Jason T. Wada
Julease Graham
Julia Dudley
Julia Franco
Junior Company Foundation
Justin McAleece
Justus Briggs
JV Villareal
Kamla Bhatt
Karen Castro Giron
Karen Dusek
Karina Turner
Katerina Aleksenko
Katherine Cooper
Katherine Pippig- Yevette Arias-Cambar- and Lorah Teran
Kayla Moon
Kaylani Chin
Kaylee Josefina
Kaylee Offerman
Kayon Chin
Ke'Lea Flowers
Kellen Prandini and Elena Harvey Collins
Kelly Jennings
Ken Hendrix
Kenneth Lewis
Keri Franklin
Kevin Bailey
Kevin Hobson
Kevin Kerston
Kevin Shakir
Khalil Cumberbatch
Khanyae Chappell
Khari Lester
Kierra Jackson
Kiranpreet Rathour
Kori Muhammad
KP Phagnasay
Kris Marshall
Kristian Jonassen
Kristin Crase
Kristin Lesko
Kurtis Palacios
Kyland Hall
Kyle Brody
Kyle Keoboupha
Kyle Lowe
Kyle Stanley
L’Alliance Francaise de Fresno
La'Moure Newsome
Laila Jordan
Lakeysha Mattis
Lance Cardoza
Landon Burke
Landon Green
Larry Taylor
Lashonda Lee
Laton High School
Laura Diaz
Laura Rooters
Lavita Jackson
League of Women Voters
Leah Manter and Jake Basile
Leaky Eyes Photography
Lena Cuevas
Leonard Brewer
Leslie Pineda Jasso
Level The Playing Field
Levi Cuevas
Lewis Carter
Lexi Sisk
Library of Congress
Life Cathedral Church of God
Linda Davis
Lindsey Chargin
Lisa Talley
Lissa Retamoza
Litzy Espinoza
Live From Fresno Crew
Liz Cabrera
Lizbeth Andres-Aguilar
Llewellyn Christian
Loren Fenton
Louis Cortez
Luciano Rios
Luis Chavez
Lynn Fox
Lynn Harrod
M. W. Wolf
Madera South High School
Madera Unified School District
Madison and Mackenzie Naron
Mahdi Amiri Motlagh
Malachi Juarez
Mana Acosta
Mandeep Singh
Mandy Del Rio
Manny and the Maniacs
Manuel Martinez
Marc Blake
Marcus Franz
Marcus Gardner
Marcy Aguila
Maria Rangel
Maricela Hernandez
Marisa Mata
Marisa Mendoza
Marisha Dixon
Marj Hansen
Marjaree Mason Center
Mark Hunter
Mark Pratter
Marlene Jones Cannon
Marquis Perkins
Marriah Woods and Aaron Pendergrass
Martha Tsutsui
Martha Yesenia Juarez
Mary Bell
Matt Hackney
Matt Mealer
Matthew Gillian
Matthew Rathangsy
Matthew Sparks
Maxwell Debbas
Maya Tafolla Gonzalez
Mayra Cruz
Mayra Franco
McLane High School
Melonie Bisset
Mendota High School
Mendota Junior High
Mendota Middle School
Meng Lee
Michael Brusilovsky
Michael Friedemann
Michael Mathiesen
Michael Moore
Michael Price
Michelle Sanchez
Mike Rhodes
Minas Arisian
Missy Cartier
Mohamed Osman
Moises Hernandez
Monache High School
Monique Hall
Myla Blanco and Z Marcaban
Mylah Sams
Nader Sami
Naomi Graver
Naomi Hendrix
Nashelly Antonio
Natalie Bouton
Natalie Nigg
Natalie Peterson- Mia Costello- Andrew Arboleda
Nathan Magsig
Nathan Ragsdale
Nathaniel Agueros
National Association of Counties
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Native Voice TV
Neptune Cinema
Nester Flores
Nick Ionashku
Nico Herron
Nicole Fleming- Ariana Xiong- and Eviah Kneeland
Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society
Noah Chavez
Nora Hovsepian
Noreen Marquez
Nuria Ibars
Nzong Xiong
Omar Ceja
Orlando Garcia
Orlando J. Gomez
Oscar Cordova
Oscar Ledezma
Oscar Robles
Owen Henson
Pan Valley Institute
Parlier High School
Parvin Malek
Pat Simone
Patiño School of Entrepreneurship
PATV Calaveras County
Paul Braswell
Paul Starcevich
Paula Yang
Pavol Papov
Peter Musurlian
Pets and People Together
PJ Scott
Poet Tv
Prof. Patrick Fontes
R.J. Burrell
Rachel Bowman
Rachel Eslick
Rachel Zurcher
Rami Zwebti
Randeep Bains- Sarail Garcia- Deema Kashak- and Alexandria Leal
Randy Reed
Raphael Villarmea- Elfie Winter- and Xzavier Posada
RaShan McClarty
Raymart Catacutan and Melissa Andrade
Reading Heart
Rebecca Adams
Rebecca Colburn
Rebecca Francis
Reedley College
Regina Simmons
Reinalda Arreguin
Rene Emilio Gomez
Resources for Indepence Central Valley
Rieka L. Rain Tree
Rigoberto Moran
Riley Gentz and Miles Mellon
Rippin Sindher
RJ Burrell
Robert Cramer
Robert Frees
Robert Leyva
Robert Lopez
Robert Martinez
Robert Styles
Robert Vargas
Roger Lua
Rogue Vi
Rompeviento TV
Ron Underwood
Ronnie Gerber
Roosevelt High School
Root Marketing
Rose Caglia
Rowell Reyes
Ruben Diaz
Ruben Diaz- Gabby Rivas and Mark Pizana
Ruby Jones
Russell Harris
Ryan Baker
Ryan McFarland
Sam and Ayla
Sam Chaney
Sam Mushegan
Samuel Contreras
San Joaquin College of Law
San Joaquin Memorial High School
San Joaquin River Conservancy
San Joaquin River Parkway Trust
San Joaquin Running
San Joaquin Valley Sun
Sanger High School
Sanger West High School
Sara Zamora
Sarah Chrisco
Sarah Linder Gonzales
Sarah Maldonado Cervantes
Sarai Ramos
Scandinavian Middle School
Scott Seargeant
Sebastian Werz
Selma Arts Center
Selma First Christian Church
Selma High School
Senator Andreas Borgeas
Sevag Tateosian
SF Commons
Sha Johnson
Shannon Grissom
Shantavious Brown
Sheryl Shaffer
Shinzen Friendship Garden
Shira Gordon
Shyla Witrado
Sidney Thompson
Simmeon Cordoba
Simon Dimitrashchuck
Slick Rock Film Festival
Smiley G. Calderon
Smiley G. Productions
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Sofia Sanchez
Sonia Mehrmand
SOUL Charter School
South Tower Community Land Trust
Star Brown
State Center Community College District
State of California
Stef Rico
Stephen Manelski
Stephen Manelski and Alex Fabros
Stephen Myles
Steve and Michael Manelski
Steve Brandau
Steve Manelski
Steve Ono
Steve Thao
Steven Molina
Steven Sanchez
Stone Soup Fresno
Strada Education Foundation
Sukhan Brar
Sunnyside High School
Sunshine Lee
Susan G. Komen Central Valley
Taft High School
Tammy Eggert
Tanya Miller
Tanya Rangel And Mirella Valdez
Taylor Lopez
Taylor Quintanar
Team Ro Productions
Teatro de la Tierra
Ted Borgeas
Teresa Tarazi
Terrell Jackson
Terry Dolph
The 559 Mural Project
The Art of Life Cancer Foundation
The California Channel
The California Endowment
The Center for International Education
The Center for Multicultural Cooperation
The Central Valley Community Foundation
The Children's Movement of Fresno
The Church of Israel
The Collegian
The Fools Collaborative
The Fresno Bee
The Fresno Center
The KNOW Youth Media
The Maddy Institute
The Nonprofit Quarterly
The Redelynn Group
The Salvation Army
The SJV Water Channel
The Valley Air District
Theresa White
Tianna Sutherland
Tiffanie Trujillo
Tiffany Kirksey
Tiger ROmP
Tim Her
Tim Saelee
Tim Tsai
Todd McElrath
Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
Tom Macduff
Tommy Harutyunyan
Toni Erebia
Tonnin Gloeckner
Top Hand Media
Torres High School
Tower District Implementation Committee
Trent Babb
Trina Espinoza
Troy Ruff
Tulare County
Tulare County Office of Education
Tyler Ng
Tzu Chi Foundation
UCSF Fresno
Ugne Mazutaityte
United Cerebral Palsy Central California
United Way Fresno and Madera Counties
University High School
US Forest Service
USGBC Central California
Uxbridge Community TV
Valerie Mercado
Valley Air District
Valley Caregiver Resource Center
Valley Center for the Blind
Valley PBS
Valley Public Radio
Vic Brewer
Vic Ellis-Hankins
Vic Moreno
Vic Moreno and Doc TV33
Vic Moreno and Yolanda Gonzalez
Victoria Kojekian- Emily Edinborough- and Faith Schneider
Vietnam Veterans of America
Vince Bailey
Vlada Vladic
Von Balanon
Washington Union High School
We Are Sikhs
Will Freeney
William Barkley
William Elliott
William McLain Jr.
Winslow Lowe
Worthy Films
Wyatt Boatman
Xang Xiong
Xavier Rain Tree
Yaddah Rashad
Yaeleen Garcia
Yanni Gonzalez
Yolanda Gonzalez
Youth Leadership Institute
Yuleni Ramirez Lopez
Yvonne Schwemmer
Z Marcaban
Zachary Green
Zachary Horton Foundation
Zion Harshaw
Zocalo Public Square
Zoe Kelton
Zoltan Szekely
Zounds! Bardatine Readers Society
Zoya Popenoe
Zyraiah Hall
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