Kelly's Yoga Mat:Core Strength = Stability and Spinal Support

ProducerKelly Jennings
SeriesKelly's Yoga Mat
DescriptionSome days, you work through a flow and it comes together so seamlessly that it feels easy even if practicing challenging poses. Today was one of those blissful days. The complimentary spinal movements of this intermediate flow will have you building the strength necessary to support your back in backbends or everyday tasks as well as solidify your balance which is crucial to preventing injury. All this, while simultaneously keeping the spine supple and capable of utilizing its full range of motion. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed creating this flow.
DateJune 11, 2022
AiringMonday, April 7 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Tuesday, April 15 - 7:00am on CMAC 1