Kelly's Yoga Mat: Yoga for Disabilities

ProducerKelly Jennings
SeriesKelly's Yoga Mat
DescriptionYoga absolutely is for everyone, but the same approach won't be as accessible for some as it is for others. My amazing friend, Melissa, joins me for practice today. She has a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that affects her motor skills, range of motion and balance so we have to approach our practice with more modifications. Therefore, in today's practice, we eliminated standing poses and took a more yin or restorative approach, focusing on slow transitions and holding poses longer to increase range of motion.While this class was tailored for Melissa specifically, any beginner or practitioner that suffers from similar issues, like lack of balance or unequal strength/flexibility on each side of the body, may benefit from this class.
DateJuly 16, 2022