Kelly's Yoga Mat: A Sweaty Freedom Flow is Good for the Soul

Kelly Jennings May 28, 2022 1:04:36 Lifestyle/Spiritual
Normally, when I teach, I think about what my body needs and I focus on that physical part of the body or I think about what my emotional and mental state needs and I focus on a theme that supports my intangible needs.But sometimes, my "need" isn't clear or what I really need is the opportunity to break from expectations. On days like this, I just want to hit my mat and give myself the freedom of choice: to determine what serves me in that particular moment. Sometimes the result of such a flow is a slow, calming practice and other times the result is a much more vigorous and challenging class than what I would've put together had I outlined a focus for that practice in advance. Today definitely falls into the latter category. If you join me today, prepare to sweat and tap into the depths of your soul throughout practice. And if you decide part way through that today's practice isn't serving you, feel FREE to hit pause and try it again on a different day, under different circumstances. Just because this practice felt freeing for me, doesn't mean it will satisfy your needs.
Friday, April 25 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Tuesday, April 29 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Wednesday, May 21 - 7:00am on CMAC 1