Why Do We Always Face the Front of Our Mat

Kelly Jennings January 29, 2022 0:49:52 Lifestyle/Spiritual
Yoga can be about obtaining and maintaining physical health, but this step is just the gateway to mental and emotional health. Just like the physical asanas can create change in us in intangible ways, sometimes changing the perspective on the mat can also lead to a change in how we approach our practice. Today, instead of working front to back on your mat, join me in working side to side, bring awareness to an imaginary plane that your body moves in and through. Hopefully this creative way of practicing will help you have new experiences even while in traditional asanas.
Thursday, April 3 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Friday, May 30 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Wednesday, June 11 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Friday, June 20 - 7:00am on CMAC 1