Treating the Victims of our Stress

ProducerKelly Jennings
DescriptionStress is inevitable, but our bodies shouldn't be the victim and be required to pay such a steep price to deal with our stress. When we deal with a lot of stressors, we tend to hold the effects of those burdens in specific parts of our body: our neck and shoulders, our hips, our overall posture. Therefore, this practice is designed to specifically target the hips and shoulders to relieve any tension buildup. The repetitions targeting a single side at a time allow you to focus on that side and find a deeper release and openness, similar to what you might experience in a yin class, but with the tempo and flow of a vinyasa class, for those of you who aren't scared of a little sweat.
DateFebruary 19, 2022
AiringMonday, March 10 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Wednesday, March 19 - 7:00am on CMAC 1
Monday, April 21 - 7:00am on CMAC 1