Both Sides of the Bars: Back to School | The Challenges of Parenting Post-Incarceration

Khalil Cumberbatch November 3, 2022 0:27:52 Community
More than 2.7 million children in the U.S. currently have an incarcerated parent, and 10 million children experienced this at some point in their lives. The incarceration of an individual affects people who are often referred to as “hidden victims” — people who are impacted but rarely considered when sentences are imposed and receive little to no support from the criminal justice system that uproots their lives. People like the child of a parent sentenced to incarceration, partners and spouses, and family members. All experience the pain, the harm, and the trauma. Host Patricia Ramjohn, director of Alternatives to Incarceration and Family Services Programs at The Fortune Society, discusses the issues with attorney Buta Biberaj.