Unfiltered: Hamas-Israeli War Panel Discussion

GV Wire hosted a panel discussion at Fresno State examining the…

Unfiltered: Why So Much Government Overreach In CA Electricity and Solar Tax!

We discuss a new fee (AB 205) being imposed on PG&E taxpayers.…

Unfiltered: PG&E Power Problems

GV Wire discusses the City of Fresno becoming its own power provider.…

GV Wire Clovis City Council Candidate Forum

GV Wire Candidate Forum. The incumbents are Lynne Ashbeck and…

Unfiltered: Downtown Fresno

In this week’s episode of Unfiltered, GV Wire discusses Fresno’s…

GV Wire: Restarting Economy

Mike Karbassi and Steve Brandau speak about the current pandemic…

GV Wire: COVID-19’s Impact on Fresno Economy Discussion

Mike Karbassi and Steve Brandau speak about the current pandemic…