Producer: Fresno EOC

Fresno EOC: VAC Program Spotlight

Fresno EOC Valley Apprenticeship Connections program is an intense…

Fresno EOC: End Child Poverty Bus Tour

Fresno EOC hosted the Fresno stop for the state-wide End Child…

Fresno EOC: Food Express Launch

Fresno EOC is excited to present the Food Express Bus, a mobile…

Fresno EOC Enterprise: Creating Jobs in the Central Valley

In just one year of pizza production, Fresno EOC Food Services…

Fresno EOC: Savannah Pastusak

Fresno EOC produced video highlighting Fresno EOC Valley Apprenticeship…

Energy Efficiency and Community Choice Energy Webinar (7/9)

A webinar hosted by Fresno EOC and The Climate Center on local…

Climate Justice – The California Reality and What You Can Do

A presentation and discussion on the health, economic and other…

Advance Peace Fresno

Advance Peace Fresno is a community based public health and safety…

Fresno EOC Public Hearing

Public Hearing by Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, June…

Head Start 0 to 5: Early Care and Education Teachers

In honor of National Teacher Day we would like to recognize the…

Lighthouse for Children Community Learning Center

Fresno EOC is proud to partner with First 5 Fresno County to…