12:00 am | Classic Arts Showcase |
06:00 am | Succulents, Part 2 |
07:00 am | Succulents, Part 3 |
08:00 am | Herbs |
08:56 am | We Hold These Truths to be Self-evident PSA, ft. Ja'Nell Gore (1 minute) |
08:57 am | We Belong in California, Tin's Story (30 seconds) |
08:58 am | Social Bond Story PSA (30 Seconds) |
08:58 am | Our DREAMS PSA (15 seconds) |
08:59 am | Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Fentanyl PSA (Spanish) |
08:59 am | Heat PSA 2024 (Fresno Fire Chief Billy Alcorn) |
08:59 am | Learn more about Alzheimers PSA |
09:00 am | NECC Week 5: Fresno State vs University of Oregon Green (Valorant) |
09:56 am | Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission: Sharrows PSA |
09:57 am | Fresno Building Healthy Communities: Together We Can Build PSA |
09:58 am | Stone Soup Fresno PSA |
09:59 am | It Takes Understanding to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
09:59 am | It's Time to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
10:00 am | Fresno State Esports: NECC Week 5: Fresno State vs Kansas State University (League of Legends) |
12:51 pm | Fresno Pacific University: Next Step Towards Your Future PSA |
12:52 pm | What is a Community School PSA (38 seconds) |
12:52 pm | Public Health Connects Us All PSA |
12:55 pm | Before It's Too Late PSA (15 seconds, Spanish) |
12:55 pm | First 5 California: Reading PSA |
12:55 pm | California Department of Public Health: Lifejackets Save Lives PSA |
12:56 pm | What Does it Take to Take on Alzheimers PSA |
12:56 pm | Before It's Too Late PSA (15 seconds) |
12:56 pm | It's Time to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
12:56 pm | Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Fentanyl PSA (Spanish) |
12:57 pm | Consider Wearing a Mask PSA |
12:57 pm | Cover Your Cough or Sneeze PSA |
12:58 pm | California Landmark Foundation PSA |
12:58 pm | Stageview Performing Arts PSA |
01:00 pm | The Americans and the Holocaust: Survivor Stories |
02:37 pm | Go Beyond a Degree with Fresno Pacific University PSA |
02:37 pm | Resources for Independence Central Valley PSA |
02:38 pm | Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Fentanyl PSA (Spanish) |
02:38 pm | Give Me Liberty or Death PSA, ft. Kelly Caballero (1 minute) |
02:39 pm | First 5 California: Milestones PSA (Spanish) |
02:40 pm | I am Powerful PSA (15 seconds) |
02:40 pm | Adolescent Immunizations PSA |
02:41 pm | Fresno Fire Department: Pool Safety PSA |
02:41 pm | We Belong in California, Edin's Story (30 seconds) |
02:42 pm | The Challenge of Champions, Clovis, CA |
02:43 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft America Hernandez |
02:43 pm | It Takes Knowledge to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
02:44 pm | We Are Sikhs, Fresno PSA |
02:44 pm | RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women PSA (Spanish) |
02:46 pm | First 5 California: Reading PSA |
02:46 pm | Fresno City College PSA |
02:47 pm | Support Community Media PSA |
02:48 pm | UCP+Me PSA |
02:48 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Josiah Bruny (15 Seconds) |
02:49 pm | The Light House Recovery Program PSA |
02:49 pm | How To Find A Lost Pet PSA |
02:50 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center PSA |
02:51 pm | Stay Home if Youre Sick PSA |
02:51 pm | Vietnam Veterans of America PSA |
02:52 pm | California Department of Public Health: Summer Heat Safety Stay Informed PSA |
02:53 pm | California Department of Public Health: Water Safety: Best Practices PSA |
02:54 pm | California Department of Public Health: Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Message from CDPH |
02:56 pm | First 5 California: Talk, Read, Sing PSA |
02:57 pm | Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health: Suicide Prevention PSA |
02:57 pm | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools: Life Lost PSA (English) |
02:57 pm | Downtown Fresno Partnership: Experience The Other Side of Ordinary PSA |
02:58 pm | Autism Speaks PSA |
02:58 pm | I am Powerful PSA (30 seconds) |
02:59 pm | Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission: Sharrows PSA |
03:00 pm | Master Gardeners: The Flora and Fauna of the Sierra |
04:05 pm | Tzu Chi Foundation PSA |
04:06 pm | Public Health Connects Us All PSA |
04:08 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center: Obudsman Long-Term Care Program PSA |
04:09 pm | Keep Fresno Clean: Diapers PSA |
04:09 pm | Please Help us Keep Our Streets Clean and Free from Debris |
04:10 pm | Record Flows PSA (Spanish) |
04:11 pm | Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Fentanyl PSA (English) |
04:12 pm | Pool Safely PSA (English, 30 seconds) |
04:12 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Sher Moua (15 seconds) |
04:12 pm | Stone Soup Fresno PSA |
04:13 pm | Fresno Historical Society PSA |
04:14 pm | Deadly Fentanyl is Everywhere PSA |
04:14 pm | We Belong in California, Lydia's Story (30 seconds) |
04:15 pm | We Belong in California, Robert's Story (30 seconds) |
04:15 pm | Central Valley Legal Services PSA |
04:16 pm | Al-Anon Family Groups PSA |
04:16 pm | Don't Text, Don't Crash PSA (Spanish) |
04:17 pm | Fresno Pacific University: Alumni Outcomes PSA |
04:17 pm | It's Time to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
04:18 pm | Preventing Work-Related Asthma from Wood Dust PSA |
04:24 pm | California Department of Public Health: Summer Heat Safety: Stay Cool PSA |
04:25 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Naindeep Singh (15 Seconds) |
04:25 pm | Beautify Fresno: Littering PSA |
04:26 pm | Fresno Fire Department: Pull to the Right PSA |
04:26 pm | Record Water Flows PSA (English) |
04:27 pm | California Department of Public Health: Summer Heat Safety: Stay Hydrated PSA |
04:28 pm | Central Valley Water Safety (PSA, English) |
04:28 pm | Keep Fresno Clean: Espuma de Poliestireno PSA |
04:29 pm | A New Pledge for California PSA (30 seconds) |
04:29 pm | Learn more about Alzheimers PSA |
04:29 pm | Learn more about Alzheimers PSA |
04:30 pm | Fresno History: Hotel Fresno, Birth and Rebirth |
05:23 pm | Stay Home if Youre Sick PSA |
05:24 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center: Oasis Adult Day Program PSA |
05:24 pm | Recycling Program: Contamination PSA |
05:25 pm | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools: Funeral PSA (English) |
05:25 pm | Record Water Flows PSA (English) |
05:26 pm | It Takes Awareness to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
05:26 pm | Before It's Too Late PSA (15 seconds) |
05:26 pm | Fresno Pacific University: Alumni Outcomes PSA |
05:26 pm | California Department of Public Health: Summer Heat Safety: Stay Cool PSA |
05:28 pm | Life Over Recreation PSA (Spanish) |
05:28 pm | The Light House Recovery Program PSA |
05:29 pm | Go Beyond a Degree with Fresno Pacific University PSA |
05:29 pm | Learn more about Alzheimers PSA |
05:30 pm | Fresno History: Hiding in Plain Sight |
06:54 pm | California Department of Public Health: Water Safety: Swimmer Safety PSA |
06:55 pm | Support Community Media PSA |
06:56 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Naindeep Singh (30 seconds) |
06:57 pm | Fresno Building Healthy Communities: Together We Can Build PSA |
06:57 pm | UCP+Me PSA |
06:58 pm | We Are Sikhs: Who We Are PSA |
06:58 pm | United Way Fresno and Madera Counties: Hope PSA |
06:59 pm | Wash Your Hands PSA |
06:59 pm | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools: Life Lost PSA (English) |
07:00 pm | Clovis Unified School Board 7-18-2024 |
07:51 pm | Words With Power PSA, ft. Sun Luu (1 minute) |
07:52 pm | Stay Home if Youre Sick PSA |
07:52 pm | First 5 California: Talk to Kids PSA |
07:53 pm | League of Women Voters of Fresno PSA |
07:54 pm | We Belong in California, Emily's Story (30 seconds) |
07:55 pm | Hirayama Elementary Grand Opening |
07:56 pm | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools: Life Lost PSA (English) |
07:56 pm | CA Surgeon General for the Health4All PSA (Spanish) |
07:56 pm | First 5 California: Talk, Read, Sing PSA |
07:57 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center: Obudsman Long-Term Care Program PSA |
07:58 pm | We Hold These Truths to be Self-evident PSA, ft. Ja'Nell Gore (1 minute) |
07:59 pm | Telephone Reassurance Program PSA |
07:59 pm | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools: Life Lost PSA (Hmong) |
07:59 pm | Learn more about Alzheimers PSA |
08:00 pm | Clovis Unified School Board 7-18-2024 |
08:51 pm | Stone Soup Fresno PSA |
08:52 pm | UCP+Me PSA |
08:52 pm | UCP+STEPtember 2024 PSA |
08:55 pm | Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health: Suicide Prevention: Know the Signs, Find the Words, Reach Out PSA |
08:55 pm | Recycling Program: Contamination PSA |
08:56 pm | Pool Safely PSA (English, 30 seconds) |
08:56 pm | Marjaree Mason Center PSA |
08:57 pm | Fresno Pacific University: Next Step Towards Your Future PSA |
08:58 pm | Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Fentanyl PSA (English) |
08:59 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center: Oasis Adult Day Program PSA |
08:59 pm | It Takes Dedication to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
09:00 pm | Clovis Unified School Board 7-18-2024 |
09:51 pm | Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District PSA |
09:51 pm | We Belong in California, Emily's Story (30 seconds) |
09:52 pm | League of Women Voters of Fresno PSA |
09:53 pm | Running Time, Clovis, CA |
09:54 pm | Al-Anon Family Groups PSA |
09:54 pm | We Belong in California, Lydia's Story (30 seconds) |
09:55 pm | Fresno Building Healthy Communities: Together We Can Build PSA |
09:55 pm | You Can Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
09:56 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Naindeep Singh (15 Seconds) |
09:56 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Josiah Bruny (15 Seconds) |
09:56 pm | First 5 California: Talk, Read, Sing PSA |
09:57 pm | Keep Fresno Clean: Espuma de Poliestireno PSA |
09:57 pm | Consider Wearing a Mask PSA |
09:58 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft America Hernandez |
09:58 pm | Fresno Fire Department: Bike Safety PSA |
09:59 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Odilia & Janet (15 seconds) |
09:59 pm | A New Pledge for California PSA (15 seconds) |
10:00 pm | Clovis Unified School Board 7-18-2024 |
10:51 pm | Pool Safely PSA (Spanish, 15 Seconds) |
10:51 pm | The Light House Recovery Program PSA |
10:52 pm | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools: Life Lost PSA (Hmong) |
10:52 pm | A New Pledge for California PSA (30 seconds) |
10:52 pm | Fresno Historical Society PSA |
10:53 pm | Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health: Where Hope and Healing Unite PSA |
10:54 pm | Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Fentanyl PSA (Spanish) |
10:54 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center: Oasis Adult Day Program PSA |
10:55 pm | I Have a Dream PSA, ft. Lady Lines (1 minute) |
10:56 pm | We Belong in California, Tin's Story (30 seconds) |
10:56 pm | Before It's Too Late PSA (30 seconds) |
10:57 pm | CA Surgeon General for the Health4All PSA (Spanish) |
10:57 pm | Labrador Retriever Rescue of Fresno PSA |
10:58 pm | It Takes Awareness to Take on Alzheimer's PSA |
10:59 pm | Stay Home if Youre Sick PSA |
10:59 pm | Learn more about Alzheimers PSA |
11:00 pm | Clovis Unified School Board 7-18-2024 |
11:51 pm | I Belong In California PSA, ft. Sher Moua (15 seconds) |
11:51 pm | Fresno Building Health Communities PSA |
11:52 pm | Valley Caregivers Resource Center: Powerful Tools PSA |
11:52 pm | We Are One California PSA (30 seconds) |
11:53 pm | Social Bond Story PSA (30 Seconds) |
11:53 pm | Your Opinion Will Help Shape the Future of Video Franchising |
11:56 pm | Fresno Fire Department: Bike Safety PSA |
11:56 pm | League of Women Voters of Fresno PSA |
11:58 pm | Autism Speaks PSA |
11:58 pm | Central Valley Water Safety (PSA, English) |
11:59 pm | First 5 California: Talk, Read, Sing PSA |
11:59 pm | Bottles and Cans Recycling Information PSA |