Famously Unknown

Ceasar “C-Flo” Johnson is a Merced-based rapper, recording…

Debbie and Dr. Diego: ENVY Capsule

Debbie gets a demonstration of the 'ENVY Capsule', the only such…

Explore with the Eggerts: Squaw Dome

Exploring Squaw Dome before the Creek Fire.

Explore with the Eggerts: Rock Climbing Nightwatch

Rock Climbing Nightwatch - Overview of Multi Pitch Rock Clim…

Explore with the Eggerts: Rafting on the Kings

Tammy rafts on the Kings River with the local community.

Explore with the Eggerts: Top Rope Climbing

Outdoor webseries. This episode features Top rope rock clim…

Fresno’s Minute with Lady J – August 2020

Fresno's Minute with Lady J seeks to provide short informative…

SheRockScience: Understanding and Destroying Coronavirus

Understanding and Destroying Coronavirus. A video that explains…

CMAC Media Literacy Series Pt.2: Know Your Sources

All media has a bias. Learn from Lisa how to determine the bias…