Fresno County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element City Of Fresno

ProducerCity of Fresno
DescriptionThe Housing Element is one of the eight required elements of the General Plan and the only element required to be approved (“certified”) by the State. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has the legal authority to review and certify housing elements. The Fresno County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element will cover the planning period of 2023-2031, and must be adopted and submitted to HCD for certification by December 31, 2023. The County of Fresno invites you to participate in a community workshop to discuss the 2023 - 2031 Housing Element Update. Please join us to learn more about the update process, identify specific needs and opportunities, and share your insights and ideas on how the community can improve housing opportunities locally and on a regional level. 2022/8/31
DateSeptember 1, 2022