Mo Mommies, Mo Problems Podcast, Ep 15: Sleepy n' Sloppy

ProducerKe'Lea Flowers
SeriesMo Mommies, Mo Problems Podcast
DescriptionI finally was able to sit down and write a solo podcast episode. It felt like the most challenging task ever ?? but hey, we are back lol! Check out the new episode of Mo Mommies Mo Problems this Saturday! I share a bit about my struggles with ADHD & getting my shit together for my babies, the shame that moms can feel if they need to see a psychiatrist, the painful but ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY AND LIFE-CHANGING process of holding ourselves accountable (and owning our stanky shit), Everything Everywhere All at Once and more!
DateJuly 6, 2023
TagsBlack History Month, Women's History Month
AiringSaturday, April 5 - 11:00pm on CMAC 1