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Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade 2024

The Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade is celebrating 34 years with this year’s theme: Rainbow Wave – Navigating Through The Current. Fresno Rainbow Pride is the largest LGBTQIA event in the Central Valley and the 3rd largest in California.


Deadly Fentanyl is Everywhere PSA

Opioid overdose is now the leading cause of death for 18–45-year-olds. And many people don’t realize their drugs are contaminated with fentanyl until it’s too late. Get the facts on fentanyl and learn how to keep you, your family, friends, and others safe from overdose at If you need additional information, or are having […]


We Work For You: Jasleen Sanghera

To keep the community safe, the Fresno Police Department has to keep officers on the streets, and Jasleen Sanghera works to make sure staffing levels are always met! She gets officers scheduled, makes sure sick time is covered, schedules training, and much more. Because of her work, you can rely on officers to always be […]