Clovis Planning Commission Meeting 8-24-2023

City of Clovis September 4, 2023 1:20:00 Government
Clovis Planning Commission met on Aug. 24, 2023, to discuss and approve the conditional use permit for Gulab Indian Bistro’s dine-in restaurant with alcohol sales. The planned development is located in the Mountain View Shopping Center at 1820 Shaw Ave. The Planning Commission also approved a request to amend the city’s high-density residential land use designation from a maximum of 25 to 30 units per acre. Commissioners also approved an increase in the R-3 (multifamily high-density) Zone District from a maximum of 25 to 30 units per acre and to modify the corresponding development standards for the R-3 district to accommodate the higher density. The commission was presented with an update on the General Plan Strategy. During the presentation, suggestions were made by members on how to increase public participation.