Central Valley Stories: Judy Ganulin

ProducerBetsy Hays
SeriesCentral Valley Stories
DescriptionDuring her career Judy Ganulin was a very familiar face in the Central Valley Advertising and Public Relations scene. She had a long, diverse, and amazing track record, and also ran her own full-service public relations agency, Judy Ganulin Public Relations. Judy has served and belonged to many organizations, including the Fresno Advertising Federation and California Women for Agriculture. Most notably, she was a founding member of the Public Relations Roundtable in Fresno and the Central California Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Interview recorded on September 18th, 2023.
Episode #Episode 9
DateJune 26, 2024
TagsWomen's History Month
AiringTuesday, February 11 - 12:30pm on CMAC 1