The elected Trustees of the CUSD, as entrusted public stewards, will work collaboratively to: 1) Serve in the best interest of our students and community; and 2) Be accountable for the prudent use of district financial resources; and 3) Establish policies that support the highest standards and promote equity and inclusion; and 4) Assure safe school environments; and 5) Provide a quality education experience for all students; and 6) Speak with one voice once decisions are made; we collectively support them and move to implementation.
Thursday, February 6 - 12:00pm on CMAC 2 Thursday, February 6 - 4:00pm on CMAC 2 Friday, February 7 - 7:00pm on CMAC 2 Saturday, February 8 - 12:00pm on CMAC 2 Sunday, February 9 - 12:00pm on CMAC 2