Dr. Diana Ramos, California’s Surgeon General urges all Californian's to sign up for health care. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And our health is not a gamble. For that reason, California expanded Medi-Cal for undocumented people 50 and over who have low income. And in 2024 all undocumented people will have access to Medi-Cal. Regardless of your immigration status, you can now enroll and receive Medi-Cal for free or low cost. To enroll, contact, a trusted health center or visit localclinic.net to find a clinic near you. Remember, our health is most important, and is within reach, regardless of immigration status.
Tuesday, March 25 - 10:14am on CMAC 2 Wednesday, March 26 - 6:26pm on CMAC 1 Wednesday, March 26 - 9:51pm on CMAC 1 Thursday, March 27 - 7:49am on CMAC 1 Thursday, March 27 - 8:49am on CMAC 1