American Rescue Plan Act Dollars at Work: Fresno County Water

ProducerCounty of Fresno
DescriptionIt's no secret that a reliable source of drinking water supply is essential for the survival of any community. That's why, when American Rescue Plan Act dollars became available, Fresno County prioritized using these funds to help our rural communities become drought resilient by investing in critical water infrastructure projects. Improving water infrastructure in rural communities became a primary focus of this money, and the Fresno County Board of Supervisors designated nearly $30 million in ARPA funds to help a dozen water projects that serve our communities. Two of those communities were Malaga and Tranquillity, which recently shared their struggles with us and explained how ARPA dollars give them hope for the future.
DateJuly 24, 2023
Tagscmac 3 filler
AiringSunday, February 23 - 1:51am on CMAC 3