Ms. Beautyphile: Beauty Edu: Vitamin C in Anti-Aging and Skincare

This week's beauty edu is on vitamin C in anti-aging and skincare.…

Ms. Beautyphile: Beauty Edu: Why Does Tea Tree Shampoo Tingle

Why does tea tree shampoo tingle? The sensation may be closely…

Ms. Beautyphile: Beauty Edu: TEA TREE OIL as an Antimicrobial

I got my EDU on and learned about TEA TREE OIL, AKA melaleuca…

Ms. Beautyphile: Beauty Trends of the 1920s: Radioactive Face Cream

Beauty trends of the 1920s included cupid's bow lips, smoky eyes,…

Ms. Beautyphile: Triclosan Antibacterial Soap Ban

Triclosan Antibacterial Soap Ban in effect! The FDA is going…

Ms. Beautyphile: Don’t Use Hair Conditioner In a Nuclear Blast

The government safety site says in the event of a nuclear…

Ms. Beautyphile: Why Do We Sweat?

Ugh! Why must we sweat? Believe it or not, it’s actually good…

Ms. Beautyphile: Margaritas, Essential Oils, & Lime Burns! Oh My!

And you thought getting lime juice in your eye sucked! Wait till…