Series: Fresno City Council Meetings

There are seven City Council Members elected by district for four-year staggered terms (also on a non-partisan basis and for up to two terms) and rotate serving one-year terms as Council President. The City Council is the legislative body, their powers and duties are subject to the Brown Act and include the consideration of land use decisions, and other actions taken by ordinance, resolution, etc. at publicly noticed City Council Meetings.

Fresno City Council Special Meeting 7/25/2022

Fresno City Council Special Meeting. July 25th, 2022.

Fresno City Council Meeting 7/21/2022

Fresno City Council Meeting. July 21st, 2022.

Fresno City Council: Special Closed Session 7/14/2022

Fresno City Council: Special Closed Session. July 14th, 2022…

Fresno City Council: Special Closed Session 7/12/2022

Fresno City Council: Special Closed Session. July 12th, 2022…

Fresno City Council Meeting 6/30/2022

Fresno City Council Meeting. June 30th, 2022.

Fresno Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission Meeting 6/27/2022

Fresno Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission Meeting. June 20th,…

Fresno City Council Meeting 6/23/2022

Fresno City Council Meeting. June 23rd, 2022.

Fresno City Council Budget Hearing 6/20/2022

Fresno City Council: Budget Hearing. June 20th, 2022.

Fresno City Council Meeting 6/16/2022

Fresno City Council Meeting. June 16th, 2022.

Fresno City Council Budget Hearing 6/15/2022

Fresno City Council Meeting: Budget Hearing. June 15th, 2022…

Fresno City Council Budget Hearing 6/14/2022

Fresno City Council: Budget Hearing. June 14th, 2022.

Fresno City Council Budget Hearing 6/13/2022

Fresno City Council: Budget Hearing June 13th, 2022.