Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.

Everything Sparkle: Victoria Vincent, Ty Allen Jackson, and Nonnie Delamora

Today on EVERYTHING SPARKLE we have a great show lined up for…

Everything Sparkle: David Foxx, George Ohan, and Gladys Morris

Today on EVERYTHING SPARKLE we have a great show lined up for…

Everything Sparkle: Jamilah Moore, Frankie Winter, and Mario Solis

Today on EVERYTHING SPARKLE we have a fun show planned for you.…

Everything Sparkle: Jenn Gatley, Richard Lazaro, and Silas Diaz

Guests include Jenn Gatley, Richard Lazaro, and Silas Diaz.

Everything Sparkle: Guy Adams, Akilah Medina, and Justin Tallmadge

Today on EVERYTHING SPARKLE we have an extra special show for…

Everything Sparkle: Kevin Mosesian and Gewarren Owens

Today on EVERYTHING SPARKLE we have a supercharged special treat…

Everything Sparkle: Rob Fox, Debra Winegarden, and Chase Holland

Today on EVERYTHING SPARKLE we have a great show for you. Join…