Ms. Beautyphile
Is Febreze Safe or Toxic? This air freshener has gotten a bad…
Ms. Beautyphile
This woman invented the World's Worst Smell! Can you guess what…
Ms. Beautyphile
Home by 2AM, up by 5AM! Just wanted to give you a quick update…
Eight Alternatives To Plastic In Cosmetic Products
Yesterday I visited the The Soap Dispensary in Vancouver, Canada.…
Ms. Beautyphile
Rodan and Fields Lash Boost has a problem. It works! As a result,…
Ms. Beautyphile
Today I’m doing some Q&A. Tasha wants to know how to identify…
Ms. Beautyphile
Beauty Edu: Howdy poke-aroos! Today I’m talking about Mane…
Ms. Beautyphile
On a recent visit to Agra (Uttar Pradesh), I learned that every…
Ms. Beautyphile
I did a quick video answering your questions about black henna…