Both Sides of the Bar | Free Six Journeys Home from Prison
In her new book, “Free: Two Years, Six Lives, and the Long…
Both Sides of the Bars | Tapping Into an Untapped Labor Market
The United States has a near-record number of job openings and…
Both Sides of the Bars | Aging People in Prison: An Ever-Growing and Alarming Situation
The American criminal justice system holds almost 2.3 million…
Both Sides of the Bars | Focusing On The Wrongfully Convicted
As the pace of DNA exonerations has grown nationwide in recent…
Both Sides of the Bars | Fair Chance Housing Before, During, and After Covid 19
While New York State's laws to prevent discrimination against…
Both Sides of the Bars: Closing Rikers: Holding Space For History And Vision
There is a mass incarceration crisis underway in the United States…
Both Sides of the Bars: Innocent Yet Forced Into Incarceration
According to the National Registry of Exonerations, between 1989…
Both Sides of the Bars: The Ticking Clock To Criminalization
Host Rob DeLeon, associate VP of programs at The Fortune Society,…
Both Sides of the Bars: The Color of Money
Host Andre Ward, associate VP of employment services at The Fortune…