Producer: Fresno Unified School District

African American High School Recognition Ceremony

African American graduating seniors are recognized in this 27th…

Adult Transition Program Graduation

Adult Transition Program 2020 virtual graduation ceremony.

FUSD: Livestream Conversation 5

A FUSD livestream discussion with Trustees, educators and staff.…

Rata High School Graduation

Rata High School 2020 virtual graduation ceremony.

Cambridge High School Graduation

Cambridge 2020 virtual graduation ceremony.

J.E. Young Graduation

J.E. Young Virtual Graduation 2020 virtual graduation ceremo…

FUeL: League of Legends: EHS1 vs CART1

Edison HS and CART face off on League of Legends in the Fresno…

FUeL: League of Legends: SHS2 vs EHS2

Sunnyside HS and Edison HS and face off on League of Legends…

DeWolf High School Graduation

DeWolf High School 2020 virtual graduation ceremony.

Fresno Adult High School and GED Graduation

Fresno Adult High School and GED Virtual Graduation 2020 virtual…

FUSD Health Update: May 26, 2020

FUSD Director of Health Services Jane Banks provides updates…

FUSD: Livestream Conversation 4

A FUSD livestream discussion with Trustees, educators and st…