Everything Sparkle: Michael Maher, Shanikkia Holley, and Michael Blueyez

Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.…

Everything Sparkle: David Giglio, Ana Roybal, & Mike Briggs

Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.…

Everything Sparkle: Dr. Erick Green M.D., Rene Nunez, & Lamont Nash

Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.…

Everything Sparkle: Brilyn Jacobsen, Melanie Warner, & The Gruburys

Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.…

Everything Sparkle: Coach Cordell, Mona Cummings, & Jimmy Sine

Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.…

Everything Sparkle: Kelsie Igasan, Lisa Basile, & Monica Ignorosa-Vasquez

Everything Sparkle is a variety talk show hosted by Sparkle Soojian.…