Students of Promise 2024: AJ Ayers
Students of Promise 2024: AJ Ayers

Crystal Awards 2024: Stephanie Henderson
Crystal Awards 2024: Stephanie Henderson

Crystal Awards 2024: Stephanie Avery
Crystal Awards 2024: Stephanie Avery

Clovis Unified School District: 2 Minutes Today (April 2024)
Clovis Unified School District: 2 Minutes Today (April 2024)…

Crystal Awards 2024: Shawna Cook
Crystal Awards 2024: Shawna Cook

Paul Shaghoian Memorial
Paul Shaghoian Memorial, April 15th, 2024.

Elementary Choir Festival 4-11-2024
Elementary Choir Festival, April 11th, 2024.

Crystal Awards 2024: Sarah Perkovich
Crystal Awards 2024: Sarah Perkovich

Elementary Choir Festival 4-10-2024
Elementary Choir Festival, April 10th, 2024.

Elementary Choir Festival 4-9-2024
Elementary Choir Festival, April 9th, 2024.

Crystal Awards 2024: Sandy Paez
Crystal Awards 2024: Sandy Paez

Clovis Unified School District Board Meeting 4-17-2024
Clovis Unified School District Board Meeting, April 17th, 20…