Clovis Community College: The Value of Career Technical Education
A short video describing the value of Career Technical Educa…

Clovis Community College: Congratulations Cross Country Coach CJ Albertson
Congratulations Cross Country Coach CJ Albertson

Social Justice Series: Tim Wise
Social Justice Series speaking event with Author Tim Wise: 'Challenging…

Clovis Community College Commencement
2018 Commencement Ceremony at CrossCity Christian Church on Friday,…

Social Justice Series: Yosimar Reyes
Clovis Community College Social Justice Series: 'Lifting Up Our…

Why I Chose Clovis Community College
Seshaan Ratnam explains why he chose to attend Clovis Community…

Clovis Community College Commencement
The inaugural Clovis Community College Commencement Ceremony…