Back to the Sofa: Bad Movie Madness, Pt 2: Rotor and Robocop 3
Back To The Sofa presents: Bad Movie Madness 2 - ROTOR/ROBOCOP…

Back to the Sofa Podcast: MMA Knockouts Reaction!
We react to new MMA Knockouts!

Back to the Sofa Podcast: First Time Watching Mortal Kombat 11 Fatalities!
Kyle catches up with MK fatalities since the mid-90's! Enjoy…

Back to the Sofa: Bad Movie Madness, Pt 1: Carnosaur, Saturn 3, and No Holds Barred!
We sit down and watch the absolute worst movies ever made, so…

Back to the Sofa Podcast: Family Guy: Dark Humor Mode
Can Family Guy offend either of us radical rodents? Is rodents…

Back to the Sofa Podcast: Race Craft Crashes Reaction
Shout-out to Mr. M for this motorsport crash compilation!

Back to the Sofa Podcast: Star Trek TNG: Every Episode in 3 Seconds REACTION
To boldly react to out-of-context future babble! Thank you to…

Back To The Sofa: The Flash (Trailer 2) Reaction
We watch and react to the new Flash trailer! Whether you're a…

Back To The Sofa: AI Nightmare Commercials
We delve into the world of AI-generated commercials that are…

Back to the Sofa: Career Ender Music Videos – Cool it Now
Where two people with nothing better to do watch and react to…

Back to the Sofa: Career Ender Music Videos – The Good, The Bad, The Badder
Two people with nothing better to do watch and react to classic…

Back To The Sofa: Death Race 2000 (1975) Reaction
Now with more 2000!