Producer: Betsy Hays

Handled(ish) Podcast: Birthday Reflections

Happy Birthday to YOU (whenever your birthday is)! In this episode…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Choose Accuracy Over Speed

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. This applies to…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Pause Before Saying YES

Sometimes we regret saying yes too quickly. When this happens…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Inefficiency is Good Sometimes

Being productive is awesome, as is being efficient. But, if we…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Before you add, shrink or subtract

Let's talk math as it relates to your productivity! Before you…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Not So Superpowers

In addition to knowing what we are good at, we also should be…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Being a Productive Working Parent

Being a working parent has its unique set of challenges (and…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Being Injured

Oh my goodness! Becoming injured is probably one of life's most…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Reading

I love reading! If you do, too, you might want to read more than…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Travel Pivots

Traveling is awesome (most of the time). But when we have to…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Starting Over

Sometimes we find ourselves in an "involuntary transition" --…

Handled(ish) Podcast: Gift Giving

Giving gifts should be something that brings us joy, but (let's…