Category: Government

Clovis City Council 10-14-2024

As the elected legislative body of the City of Clovis, the City…

Fresno City Council District 6 Candidate Forum

GV Wire, The Kenneth L. Maddy Institute, and CMAC hosted a debate…

Prop 32 Explained

Fast food and health care workers are getting minimum wage hikes.…

Prop 6 Explained

Forced labor for prisoners is one of the last vestiges of slavery…

Prop 5 Explained

It's difficult to borrow money for local housing and infrastructure:…

Fresno City Council 10-10-2024

Fresno City Council, October 10th, 2024.

Prop 4 Explained

California has ambitious goals to deal with the impacts of climate…

Prop 3 Explained

Same-sex marriage is the law of the land. But conflicting language…

Prop 33 Explained

Rent control is back on the ballot, again. Voters can give local…

Prop 2 Explained

California community colleges and public schools, especially…

Fresno Disability Advisory Commission 10-8-2024

Fresno Disability Advisory Commission, October 8th, 2024. The…

Clovis City Council 10-7-2024

As the elected legislative body of the City of Clovis, the City…