Just Music: Journey to The Unknown

Song: Journey To The Unknown, Words and lyrics by Hannah Evelyn…

Just Music: It Wouldn’t Stop Raining

"It Wouldn't Stop Raining" by John Clifton.

Selma Christmas Cantata 2023

2023/12/10 Christmas Cantata directed by Jordan Williams.

The Munro Review Holiday Special 2023

Donald Munro is snowed in at the CMAC studio and is waiting to…

JCO at Roger Rocka’s 2023

Fresno City College Jazz Composers Orchestra Live in Concert…

Spoken Word Poetry: Ode To Blue Moon Yoga

Spoken Word Poetry: Ode To Blue Moon Yoga.

Spoken Word Poetry: Public Displays of Affection

Spoken Word Poetry: Public Displays of Affection.

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece Meets the Big O - an adaptation of one of Shel…

The Munro Review: Distinguished Woman Artist of the Year, Martha Casanave

Donald learns about this year's Council of 100 Distinguished…